It's amazing how we can be easily inspired and the same time, be easily influenced. Reading a book that throws us either propaganda shits or anarchy rubbish, watching a colourful movie, constantly soaked by the type of music your brother likes but you despise or the simple act of gazing at random shananigans people get into. We get insights that open up the boundaries we are trapped in, or either be angry at ourselves why we let such monstrosity invade our pseudo-perfect life.
I watched this Iranian documentary called Salaam Cinema just now in class and my puny mind was inspired...or at least educated. Documentaries are not the typical ones we see on Nat Geo and Discovery Channel and I got to realise how the circumstances in Iran had shaped the different perceptions towards life and cinema in Iran. My brother soaked me into tonnes of Lady Gaga nowadays and I am beginning to save 2 songs (AHHH!!!!!!) in my cellphone. Gosh. We'll never know what we will turn into the next minute, seriously. We might turn into zombies, but then again, Angelin won't be happy, and she will start using her survival kits. ahahahahah. joking lah.
But this great friend reminded me that we do change, but as long as we don't start judging others who are not in par with us, it's okay because we were probably in those shoes back then. Seriously, after going through different experiences in life, I believe we will somehow forget what we initially told ourselves to become. Situations do change us most of the time. But I think just as long as I remember who I used to be and not become someone people despise, I think I will be okay.
But I think I won't be crazy over Lady Gaga, taht's for sure. If I start to be fanatic, you guys can shoot me. Ahahahahahhaha. No, I'm not kidding.