Thursday, August 13, 2009

My ma always say that we cannot compare ourselves with those who are privilege enough to own an iPhone at 15 coz we are of different background. She said it's not good comparing...(but back then in high school when I didn't do well in class, she will compare me with the geniuses) And I know that she's right at some point. Excessive comparing of what you have with others will only make you less thankful with what you have.

But when I read this blog I actually wish that I am a popular blogger...Then I can be one of them, enjoying the scenic views of Monte Carlo, sip good champagne and have great food without having to worry about paying my tabs after splurging.

Then again, ma told me not to compare, so I shan't...I start to sound like Forrest Gump...

1 comment:

chelseaorange said...

starting to start like forrest gump!!!

i was thinking that when i read the first line/

you know being a "famous" blogger is very overrated. sure you get a lot of benefits and recognition and whatever. but at the cost of what?

loads of criticism from ppl who know nuts. never to be able to go out without someone recognizing you.

that ain't cool.

and besides, people only blog about the good stuff that happens in their lives. so you're not really seeing the whole picture