Saturday, April 4, 2009

I should start working out again. I've stopped after being caught up with assignments. And for some reason, my flu and phlegm stayed for three week. I really don't know why. Am I going to die, Aimee? If yes, I will leave you my phone...and the SLK...wait, that's yours.

I sometimes wish determination is something we can jab into our system. Though I am not fond the syringe, I still like that feeling compared to looking at my flabby abs and my just-about-to-grow-bigger-than-a-house-rat biceps looking like an overfed hamster. It's not that I'm vain or conceited or superficial but (I've said this a gazillion times) I want to nice body but I'm just eother too lazy or too tired to get one. I always thought that I can achieve this if I join some fitness club or something but if I'm too lazy, what's the point.

I am satisfied with my look, don't worry. I am just blur..and blank. I don't feel like doing anything nowadays. If you let me spend 1 whole week at home watching the Nanny and play The Sims 2, I am fine with that. Maybe I should sports. I dunno. Oh yea, if determination comes in jabs, tell me. Then I can go get a vaccine for my laziness. Sigh.

1 comment:

chelseaorange said...

no you're not dying. several weeks ago i had this bad attack of cough flu and diarrhoea (nia ma i dont know why i get tht ALL the time!) that lasted for AGES.

then i decided to brave my gay sickness and went to the gym. felt better after 2 days.

you should try that? which is a good prognosis in tangent to the content of this entry.

anyway i is misses you. my temporary number is 014 909 7608. i messaged you but you didnt reply im not sure if i remembered your number wrongly or i forgot to introduce myself and hence you thought i was an ugly stalker.