Monday, May 25, 2009

Of Yearbooks and Screws

People always say that do not dwell in the past. Move on with our life so that we can the world in a broader perspective. Yea, it's true but when you found out that revisiting your memories can make you laugh out loud and chat with your old schoolmates for hours and hours, you know that trip is worth it.

I went out with Zheng on Sunday night for mamak and we chatted till 1.00am. In between, we saw Alif and Nazrul and Zheng said Nazrul looks hot now. We went on and on about how we enjoyed our high schools and how colleges can never match those days even when we get to be as liberal as we want to. I remember Zheng used to chase after me in school for calling her 'panties break'. I remember how I would join Aimee during recess as her eyes CT-Scans Adrian and Hong Joo. Then we would laugh about it. I remember I used to buy coconut jelly with Angelin and she said that's the tastiest canteen food. Oh, and Ghani and his reverse-parking-with-one-hand and how we became so surprised when we found out that he's getting married. How Salbiah langgar the pole, how we would gossip about Miss Yap scratching her legs and being bitter over her Singaporean-ex.

Being 21, I realise that time really flies. June is just a week away and I don't think I did anything productive yet..except for my assignments. My body is no Hugh Jackman's, I still cannot play a proper song with the guitar, I still have not read the books I borrowed from the library that I photocopied..secretly. I jst went fot my job interview but still need to go for a second one with the store manager. Gosh. Who knows when I'm 31, I realised that I haven't cooked my mum's lunch which I was supposed to cook 10 years ago.

It's this fear of not accomplishing anything within the next few years that scares me. People told me that I'm still 21 and there are still loads of time for me to do great things. But for some reason, I am afraid. Screw those interviews where they feature young people achieving great heighst. Screw the young entrepreneurs awards. Screw those who earned 1 million dollars at the age of 22. Screw Hannah Montana. You are supposed to be in school, not posing for Vanity Fair. And you Jonas Brothers are no angels! You all force fed inferiority in many people's life.

Should I buck up? I dunno. Maybe I should....


chelseaorange said...

Screw those interviews where they feature young people achieving great heighst. Screw the young entrepreneurs awards. Screw those who earned 1 million dollars at the age of 22. Screw Hannah Montana.

T_T so true. yipin i always feel like this. all these fucking over achievers leaping higher than menara alor setar. even if we do anything remarkable now it wouldn't be anything to shout about because we're in our 20s. so big fucking deal.


hiddenmcky said...

but..i dont believe being high achieving when you are young equates to generally being successful in life.. in a way i think its kinda stressful for them to keep on being awesome. some just kinda run out of awesomeness along the way :(

just look at that oxford maths genius..

斌斌有理 said...

to aimee: T.T kan kan? back then when we were young, winning a drawing competition can get us awed for a month. now in order to get that, we have to win amazing race asia.

to mei kay: Sufiah right the genius' name? Maybe you're right lah..but it's intimidating to see that many people are crazily smart and successful today at young age. screw mamil gold and enfagrow too!!! ahahah